Trip to Spain 2007


We have made a connection with our relations in Spain. Now we have the opportunity to go and meet them!

Latest news is that local governments of the region of Valverde (Castilla Leon) are keen for a small number of Paniora to visit Valverde at the time of their big fiesta in August 2007!!.

Following that, a delegation from there would like to visit us on the East Coast, and have a fiesta together around New Year!! And of course, Alvaro, Angel and Diana will want to make a documentary about it!!

Another great thing is that we now have, for the first ever time, a Spanish Embassy here in NZ, and the Ambassador and his staff all know about the Paniora and the documentary, and are keen to support the project and meet us. So it is all looking very good for 2007!

There will obviously need to be a lot of planning, so it is something the whole whanau would need to want to be involved in and support – but it is VERY exciting! We need to meet and discuss all of this as soon as possible. For the Coasties, this will be January – so please register your interest by sending an email to us.

Tell us if you are interested in going to Spain, and state where you will be able to attend a meeting. We will work out which places will need to hold meetings. There will definitely be one in Tikitiki or Te Araroa, to catch those of us at home for the Summer.


A typical Valverde House
A typical Valverde House
Santiago and Teresa Ayuso
Santiago and Teresa Ayuso
Maria Teresa and Son
Maria Teresa and Son
Valverde main plaza
The Valverde main plaza – shaded because the sun reaches 35C
Main village bar Main village bar and restaurant at lunchtime (main meal is 2-4 pm) Old Valverde House
Manuel Jose would have lived in a modest old house like this
Alvaro (director of the documentary), Santiago, Teresa, Maria Teresa
Diana with descendents
Diana with descendents outside the ceramic workshop
Descendant with her ceramic statues
Descendant with her ceramic statues in traditional costume